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Virtual ways to keep wellness in mind during COVID-19

During COVID-19, the Rosslyn BID is working with our local partners to provide free, virtual activities for our community that can be done at home to respect social distancing! Be sure to stay tuned for new content, as we will continue to add to our library. 

If you enjoy these videos, we encourage you to support these businesses however you can, whether that's following them on social media or visiting their websites to see what other virtual classes they are offering. If you are a Rosslyn-based business and would like to be featured on our wellness page, please reach out here




Fitness / Mindfulness / Mental Health
Building Healthy Habits - Gold's Gym

Staying home has changed our routines, but that doesn't mean our health and well-being has to change as well. Connie, a Gold's Gym registered dietitian, will walk you through lifestyle management strategies to help you maintain healthy habits, or create new ones! More 

Mental Health
Finding Grace in Times of Change - Rock Recovery & NEDA

Listen in as Rock Recovery talks with NEDA about the importance of finding grace during times of difficult transition and high stress. More 

Fitness / Mindfulness / Mental Health
Prenatal Yoga - The Village Mind

Enjoy this sneak-peak of Village Mind's Mind-Body-Bump: Prenatal Yoga series, hosted every Saturday morning at 9:15am. More 

Fitness / Mindfulness / Kids / Mental Health
Postpartum Yoga & Fitness - The Village Mind

Enjoy this sneak-peak of Village Mind's Mind-Body-Baby: Postpartum Yoga series, hosted every Saturday morning at 8am. More 

Mental Health
Embracing Imperfection During COVID-19

Rock Recovery Clinical Intern, Jenny Slattery, has a special message for parents who are trying to find a new sense of normalcy while balancing caring for children, working from home, supporting a partner and more. More 

Mental Health
Creating a Schedule to Help Manage Anxiety - Rock Recovery

Rock Recovery Communications and Community Events Manager, Kristyn Soto, shares tips on creating a schedule to help manage stress and anxiety when you're forced to stay home. More 

Mental Health
Building Your Support Network - Rock Recovery

Rock Recovery Executive Director, Christie Dondero Bettwy, talks about how loneliness and social isolation can effect one's mental health. Additionally, Bettwy shares the importance of creating meaningful connections during a time of social distancing and shares a helpful exercise to help viewers better understand their own relational connections. More 

Mindfulness / Mental Health
Mindful Movement - The Village Mind

Stretch your body, strengthen your mind, and stabilize your spirit with a sneak peek of mindful movement with The Village Mind! More 

Mindfulness / Kids / Mental Health
Mindful Play: Lessons in Mindfulness for Kids - The Village Mind

Enjoy a sample of yoga, social-emotional stories, and mindfulness lessons for kids by The Village Mind. More 

Mindfulness / Mental Health
Guided Mindful Meditation - The Village Mind

Enjoy a sneak peek of guided meditation with The Village Mind! Guided meditations offer a practice in kindness, compassion, and gratitude. More